16 avril 2012

New Stuff and City Part

Evolved Jules
I decided to change some part of the bio2/bio3 stories with new areas :
- New starting place (You will start in a building near the original start place and heard the crash between the police car and the truck)
- New interiors
- RC Hotel
- Better Tramway Station
- New Metro (to link with new place)
- New park
- extended Stagla Gas Station, and more...)

New creatures :
- Licker/evolved Licker with/without tongue attack (with the epic decapitation attack :D)
- Hunter Alpha/Sweeper/R (need sound)
- Giant Spiders (Web Spinner, Black Widow, Jumping Maneater)
- Nemesis State II
- Crawling Zombie
- Evolved Jules (you can see him in my wesker walkthoug)
- Birkin G2/G5
- Alligator

Next Creatures :
- Birkin G1/G3 (G3 with 4 arms and ninja techniques xD)
- Crow/Bat
- Jabberwock S3 (Only for parks)
- Mr X 1/2 (Only for my special story cause of his running attacks like the final Tyrant in RE1)
- Plante/Human Plante (Only for parks)
- Anubis
- Hunter Gamma
- Lurker (Only for parks)
- Dogs (may be)
- Crimson Head

Some creatures are just so scary (especially Anubis, Evolved Jules and Jabberwock S3 :D)

04 avril 2012

Here they are !!!

The Alligator !!!

Finally, i finish him (90%, just sound left). All animations works perfectly. Prepare you to being eaten *,..,* The game play will be the same as the original game, hit the barrel will cause more damage than a weapon.

bonus : The G-5 first test :D

Now, i'm on creating the G-5. I think he will have only 1 or 2 animations cause when i've looked its animations, all parts of his body is key-framed but not all part are animated so i can't import different animation in the same work file :/ the only thing i think is to remove non-animated part and make the rest an idle anim with high priority. Personally, i've chosen to make only one animation. So when he want to hit, equip, unequip etc, it will be the same animation ^^